A project about finding family in a global pandemic.

Final total raised for charity: $2002

1) The Idea

Front porch portraits and front yard family time.

My name is Ethan Parrish and I’m a local photographer, filmmaker and grad student in Madison, WI. Obviously, I’m not alone in that the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered the trajectory of my day-to-day life. Everything from my wife’s and my household income, to the ways we interact with friends, has been radically redefined. My quick and regretful forays onto social media platforms or glimpses into news outlets inevitably result in a renewed battle with the panic that seems to be tightening its grip on the American, as well as global, citizen. And for good reason—this pandemic is indeed terrifying and will undoubtedly redefine what it means to be a citizen of this planet in the years to come. And yet, when I pull myself away from the news and go for my daily walk with my wife, one thing we’ve noticed as a profound silver lining to the situation is the beautiful family connectedness we’ve witnessed in our neighborhood. From children’s paintings hung in the windows and footballs thrown in the front yard, to the army of dog walking couples and baby-strollers with two parents in tow, we’ve seen families coming closer together in this global moment of terror. 

My wife Marika and I

My wife Marika and I

Regardless of the engendering factor, this palpable shift in my neighborhood atmosphere has impressed and inspired me. As such, I feel compelled to document it in a way that simultaneously gives back to some local charities—all of whom are doing vital work to help in this time of great need.

Whether it be of you and your fur-baby or your three-generation family of twelve, my hope is to take a few simple portraits of you and your family on your front porch. Naturally we’ll maintain our social distance and you’ll receive high-quality digital copy of the pictures as a snapshot of your life during COVID-19. In return I’ll be collecting donations of which 80% will be donated to the three charities listed below. To be clear, the remaining 20% will go towards keeping food on my table, since, like many, my wife and I are in a tough place right now.

2) The Plan

  1. If you live in the Madison area and you’d like to participate in this project benefitting one of the three charities as well as a local photographer (80% - 20% respectively) please get in touch with the form below.

  2. From there I’ll schedule a time to come take a picture of you and your family (no more than 15-20 minutes).

  3. Upon receiving your family photo you can donate whatever you feel called to give via any one of the methods outlined below.

3) The Charities

  1. Wisconsin Hunger Relief Charity

  2. Porchlight - Solution to Homelessness

  3. Badger Prairie Needs Network

4) Donate

A lot of people have been asking what an appropriate amount is, so here is my effort to clarify the expectations: The amount is entirely up to you. I’ve had donations that range the gamut, truly; and I’m delighted by all of them. In these uncertain times my hope is to help catalyze the emotional recognition that we can still do good for others despite being caught in a global pandemic. Its this emotional movement that I’m interested in much more than any associated price-tag. As such, I simply ask that you give whatever you feel comfortable or called to give. I sincerely believe that charitable giving is more about posture of our hearts than it is the amount given.

For direct (no fee) transactions you can donate here (feel free to designate a preferred charity for your donation):

Venmo/Paypal: @ethancparrish

Apple Pay: 303-917-3122

Otherwise follow this link for the ability to donate with a credit card (including a small transaction fee).


Get in touch!


IG: @ethancparrish

Twitter: @ethancparrish